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1. High Performance Reflective Insulation also called Radiant Barrier.

The idea for this was first used during the beginning of the space program. NASA needed to find a way to protect its astronauts from the extreme climate changes they encounter in space. On one end, when facing the sun there is a temperature of +250 degrees while experiencing -460 degrees on the shadowy side at the exact same time. So they needed a barrier that would not only reflect the deadly heat from the sun but also to help retain the body heat from the freezing weather. Now this patented product has been coded over the years to be designed for uses in the home by adding it to your existing insulation and making a fully thermal and sound proofing insulation system in your home. As shown in the image below, this technology helps fight off the hot summer weather while at the same time makes your home warmer in the winter by retaining the heat produced from your home’s heating unit. Using this technology will help cut down on the heating and cooling bills, and help in increasing the life of HVAC. Homes will be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Reflective insulation has perforation, so it prevents mildew and moisture in attics. By breathing less forced air, it helps homeowners with respiratory issues and skin conditions.

2. Solar Attic Fans

When looking to make a home more energy efficient having a proper ventilation unit is very important for many reasons. On a hot summer day your attic can reach temperatures of up to 175°. Solar Attic Fans dramatically help reduce your energy bills also making your home more comfortable by eliminating a build-up of heat in your attic before it is transferred into your living spaces.

How does it work and why is it better?
Using a solar attic fan versus a traditional electric fan is obvious choice. While electric fans turn on when reaching a certain temperature, the solar fans will always be in use as long as the sun is out. You will never need to worry about it running excessively because it is just as important in the winter as in the summer by circulating the air to reduce a build-up of moisture in your attic. With proper insulation and ventilation, the life of your air conditioning and furnace unit will increase by over 40%.

3. Duct Wraps

When insulating attics, floors over unheated basements, or crawl spaces, be sure to insulate the pipes and heating ducts located in these areas, too. Ducts are the rectangular or cylindrical sheet metal passageways that carry heat from the furnace to your rooms. Unless they are insulated, they can waste much more heat than they deliver. Water pipes can be protected from freezing and heat loss with insulation.

4. GreenGuard Certified Blown-In Insulation

GREENGUARD Certification Standards for Low-Emitting Products

GREENGUARD Certification standards have established performance-based standards to define products and processes with low chemical and particle emissions for use indoors. The standards are primarily for building materials, finishes, interior furnishings, furniture, cleaning products and electronic equipment. The standards establish certification procedures including test methods, allowable emission levels, product sample collection and handling, testing type and frequency as well as program application processes, toxicity limits and acceptance.

Our insulation process uses GreenGaurd certified materials to improve indoor air quality and ensure a safer and cleaner environment for your family.

5. Batt insulation

6. Removal of old attic insulation, sanitize and air seal attic space

7. High Performance Reflective Insulation Blankets for Water Heaters

8. Sun Tunnels and Skylights